(again bi)weekly GSOC-4: finally about results aggretation

Posted on Aug 14, 2023

In the last blogpost, I explained how I decided to lift the parallelization class up, and how AnalysisBase.run() method changed after introducing this.

Here, I will (finally) talk about aggregating results from different worker objects, and how to make the implementation more explicit while not making people who create subclasses write a lot of boilerplate code.

What are we trying to do?

We’re not looking on how to aggregate results from independent AnalysisBase._compute() methods. Also, we want conclude() methods of subclasses to run as they used to, so after we run our aggregation, results and all other attributes should look exactly as if we’d run run(backend='local').

Looking at the _compute() method signature, we can see that it returns self (AnalysisBase). Also, the main object we want to return is whatever the type of results is. Usually it is MDAnalysis.analysis.Results object (basically, a fancy dict), although for some old classes it might be np.ndarray or just a list.

So, we’re looking for something like this:

def aggregate(remote_objects: list[AnalysisBase]) -> Results:

Note that we have an ordered sequence of remote results, and can rely on this fact when aggregating the result without the need to match frame indices with respective results.

First ideas

First thought that came at least to me looked like this: let’s take first object of remote_objects as a template, and based on how it looks like (=its type), try to do aggregation for it. Something like this:

def merge(remote_objects: list[AnalysisBase]) -> Results:
	template: Results | list | np.ndarray = remote_objects[0].results
	if isinstance(template, list):
		remote_results = [obj.results for obj in remote_objects]
		flat_results = flatten_arrays(objects_to_flatten)
	elif isinstance(template, np.ndarray):
		remote_results = np.array([obj.results for obj in remote_objects])
		flat_results = np.hstack(remote_results)
	elif isinstance(template, Results):
		raise ValueError('unknown results type')

def flatten_arrays(arrs: list[list]) -> list:
	return [obj for sublist in arrs for obj in sublist]

A little bit more complicated if isinstance(remote_results, Results). Since Results is basically a dictionary, we have to go over its keys and do proper aggregation for each of them:

elif isinstance(template, Results):
	for key, obj_of_type in template.items():
		results_of_key = [obj.results[key] for obj in remote_objects]
		if isinstance(obj_of_type, list):
			flat_results = flatten_arrays(results_of_key)
		elif isinstance(obj_of_type, np.ndarray):
			flat_results = np.hstack(np.array(results_of_key))
		elif isinstance(obj_of_type, float):
			raise ValueError("couldn't find aggregation function")

Why first ideas are bad

The code above is probably already ugly for an experienced eye – for instance, we’re repeating ourselves quite a few times and have many nested if-elif-else parts that look super ugly. However, there’s a more important flaw here from the library point – if a subclass wants to have a custom aggregation function for its attribute, there is now way to conveniently reuse the base class method. Also, sometimes we can have different aggregation functions even if the objects have the same type – some ndarray-s have to be averaged, some simply summed, etc. The only other thing we have to distinguish results from each other is the attribute name, so we must base our aggregation on them.

To sum up, we actually don’t want to do any type matching (and ugly if-elif-else branches), but instead want to:

  • rely on the attribute name, not type
  • provide a reusable library of basic aggregation functions
  • allow users to easily create their own aggregation functions without copying our boilerplate

Good ideas: another new class

So we want to aggregate results based on attribute name, and also store somewhere a list of pre-determined functions that do this. We probably would be fine with a complicated function that stores everything, but since we want to also store different aggregation functions somewhere, let’s create a simple class which staticmethods would be different aggregation functions, and one useful method would be our merge from above:

class ResultsGroup:
	def merge(self, remote_objects: list[AnalysisBase]) -> Results:
	def flatten_arrays(arrs: list[list]) -> list:
		return [obj for sublist in arrs for obj in sublist]
	def ndarray_sum(arrs: list[np.ndarray]) -> np.ndarray:
		return np.array(arrs).sum(axis=0)

	def ndarray_stack(arrs: list[np.ndarray]) -> np.ndarray:
		return np.hstack(arrs)
	def ndarray_mean(arrs: list[np.ndarray]) -> np.ndarray:
		return np.array(arrs).mean(axis=0)

But how do we initialize the class? Well, we want to be able to call our merge method right after we initialize it, so all the information on how to match attribute name with respective aggregation function should be given upon initialization. Hence, __init__ should look like this:

class ResultsGroup:
	def __init__(self, lookup: dict[str, Callable]):
		self._lookup = lookup

Sidenote: Results are cool!

Before we get into the final look of merge, let’s remember that Results is actually a very cool class. Namely, it allows us to track which attributes we added to the object without changing the attribute access interface. In other words, we can make our results a Results object from the very beginning (namely, in _prepare method call), and then whatever got assigned, will be accessible in results.keys()! We’ll simply add line self.results = Results() in AnalysisBase._prepare.

Keep writing merge()

Given the coolness of the Results, now we can rely on the fact that we know for sure which attributes got assigned, and easily iterate through them. Also, since all remote_objects have the same results outline, we can pick the first one as an example, and then be sure that the rest have the same outline:

class ResultsGroup:
	def __init__(self, lookup: dict[str, Callable]):
		self._lookup = lookup
	def merge(self, remote_objects: list[AnalysisBase]) -> Results:
		rv = Results()

		for key in remote_objects[0].keys():
            agg_function = self._lookup.get(key, None)
            if agg_function is None:
                raise ValueError(f"No aggregation function for {key=}")
            results_of_t = [obj[key] for obj in objects]
            rv[key] = agg_function(results_of_t)
        return rv
	# and @staticmethod s with aggregation functions

How will AnalysisBase.run() look like?

Before, we had our aggregation function in _parallel_conclude method:

class AnalysisBase:
	def run(self, start, stop, step, frames, n_workers, scheduler):
		self._setup_frames(start, stop, step, frames)
		computation_groups = self._setup_computation_groups(start, stop, step, frames, n_workers)

		executor = ParallelExecutor(n_workers, scheduler)
		executor.apply(self._compute, computation_groups)

		# --------
		# --------


now, we can do everything more explicitly:

class AnalysisBase:
	def run(self, start, stop, step, frames, n_workers, scheduler):
		self._setup_frames(start, stop, step, frames)
		computation_groups = self._setup_computation_groups(start, stop, step, frames, n_workers)

		executor = ParallelExecutor(n_workers, scheduler)
		remote_objects = executor.apply(self._compute, computation_groups)

		aggregator = ... # will think about it later
		self.results = aggregator.merge(remote_objects)

Obviously, in order to get an appropriate ResultsGroup aggregator, we should call some method of self. Well, let’s call it exactly like this:

class AnalysisBase:
	def run(self, start, stop, step, frames, n_workers, scheduler):

		aggregator = self._get_aggregator()

	def _get_aggregator(self) -> ResultsGroup:
		return ResultsGroup(lookup=None)

Now, we’re running into a backwards compatibility issue – now we must have a meaningful ResultsGroup aggregator even if we’re using only backend='local', without any parallelization. In this case, however, our remote_objects is a list with 1 element, and we can simply return it in merge method:

class ResultsGroup:
	def __init__(self, lookup: dict[str, Callable]):
		self._lookup = lookup
	def merge(self, remote_objects: list[AnalysisBase]) -> Results:
		if len(remote_objects) == 1:
			rv = remote_objects[0]
			rv = Results()
			for key in remote_objects[0].keys():
  	          agg_function = self._lookup.get(key, None)
  	          if agg_function is None:
  	              raise ValueError(f"No aggregation function for {key=}")
  	          results_of_t = [obj[key] for obj in objects]
  	          rv[key] = agg_function(results_of_t)
  	    return rv

note that we won’t even screw the function signature up and return the Results type still, since we’ve added self.results = Results() in _prepare().

The last touch is that not everything is stored in results – in _prepare method, attributes frames and times are also assigned, so we’ll have to merge them manually:

class AnalysisBase:
	def run(self, start, stop, step, frames, n_workers, scheduler):
		self._setup_frames(start, stop, step, frames)
		computation_groups = self._setup_computation_groups(start, stop, step, frames, n_workers)

		executor = ParallelExecutor(n_workers, scheduler)
		remote_objects = executor.apply(self._compute, computation_groups)

		# manually merge `frames` and `times`
        self.frames = np.array([obj.frames for obj in remote_objects]).sum(axis=0)
        self.times = np.array([obj.times for obj in remote_objects]).sum(axis=0)

		# apply ResultsGroup.merge()
		aggregator = self._get_aggregator()
		self.results = aggregator.merge(remote_objects)

And that’s it, a final look of AnalysisBase.run()!

How do I modify subclasses then?

For instance, let’s modify a MDAnalysis.analysis.rms.RMSD class so that it would work with our parallel backend. It has a huge _prepare method, but the only attribute that actually gets prepared is self.results.rmsd – it’s initialized with zeros of a proper shape:

self.results.rmsd = np.zeros((self.n_frames,
							 3 + len(self._groupselections_atoms)))

hence, in all but one remote objects value of self.results.rmsd will be zero, and we can simply add all results together to get a final result!

Let’s do that, and also add available_backends:

class RMSD(AnalysisBase):

	def available_backends(cls):
		return ('local', 'multiprocessing', 'dask', 'dask.distributed')
	def _get_aggregator(self):
		return ResultsGroup(lookup={'rmsd': ResultsGroup.ndarray_sum})

and that’s it! And the function we’ve specified here in lookup has a super simple signature – Callable[list[T], T], and all the built-in functions have literally a single line of code in them.


In this post, we’ve finally finished writing our AnalysisBase.run() protocol via adding a ResultsGroup class. It accepts a dict[str, Callable[list[T], T]] lookup argument, which maps attribute name to a proper aggregation function. Its merge method does exactly one job – flattens the results of all objects that got passed into it.

Altogether, our AnalysisBase.run() has changed by addition of the following methods: _compute(), _setup_computation_groups(), _get_aggregator() and available_backends(). We’ve added ParallelExecutor and ResultsGroup classes that abstract away parallel execution and results aggregation, respectively. And finally, we added multiprocessing and dask backends that are supposed to speed up the analysis!